Positions Of An Altar Server

One of the altar servers duties is to help the congregation pray by example. Therefore we must have a correct posture so that the attention of the congregation is directed towards mass.

How should I stand?
We stand for  quite a bit during mass so it is important to look good!
Stand up straight and if you are carrying a cross or candle make sure it is straight as well.

How should I sit?
When sitting sit up straight on the chair knees touching, feet together. 
Put your hands flat on your knees.

How should I kneel?
when kneeling put all of your weight on your knees and kneel upright.
Do not squat or slouch! It looks terrible!!

Standing up straight bend your right knee until it touches the ground, naturally your left knee will bend as well. Keep your back straight.
Don't make it seem as if you are falling or crouching down!

Types of bows
There are two main types of bows, the deep bow, and the head bow.
The deep bow comes from the waist inclining head and shoulders.
The head bow (or shoulder bow) is made with the head inclining the shoulders slightly

Never bow or genuflect with a candle, cross, or anything in your hands!!!

What should I do with my hands?
When standing your hands should always be together in an upright position, this shows how all of your attention is directed towards God. 
When sitting they should rest on your knees. They are not made to hold up your head!

What do I do with my eyes?
Your eyes should be focused on the actions at the altar or the readers. It is very distracting to have a server staring at the congregation or at the ceiling.
If you don't know what to do with your eyes the best thing is to keep them lowered and look at the floor.

How should I walk?
Always walk slowly an with dignity while serving at the altar. Your movements should never appear rushed or hurried. At the same time stiffness must be avoided. Military steps, square corners, and quick turns are all out of place.